Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chapter One exercise - Dynamic Composition

On top of this photo, The Poet, 1911, by Egon Schiele, made with oil on canvas, lies my dynamic composition of the picture. Composition can be static or dynamic but for this painting I recreated the dynamic movement. Although the colors for my composition don't match those in the picture, I did it for a reason. I wanted to be able to tell the difference between the difference parts of the body, and I think the bright pink and pastelish green was able to bring that out, making the composition look rather 3-D ish. I considered that specific green and pink to be a eye catcher, while the brown and black background make it a little less popish, and tone down the overall vision of the composition.  
While looking at my composition I noticed one thing that I could have changed. Which was the positioning of the eyes. I think if I really fully slanted the eyes, from the inside going down towards the outside of the eye shape that my composition would have really captured the essence of the photo. 
I think overall that my composition was a good dynamic of The Poet. I think most of my angles for the triangles were correct and that it was very symmetrical as well. I look forward to doing another exercise like so, because practice is always a good thing. What do you think of my composition?

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