Monday, February 18, 2013


  Every year I noticed that Google goes out there way to create a design for many of the holidays taking place during the year, and in the design it seems to find a way to spell Google and remains to be the home page for the rest of the day. Although there are so many, there were a couple that really caught my eye and invoked a feeling while looking at the design.
  The first one was the Valentines Day 2008 eight design of  a old man and old woman walking down the beach. I love this design because it gives me a warm feeling. Maybe its the warm colors of the red orange sky, and red balloons that reflect the love and passion that this picture is representing. Or the yellow shirt the old man is wearing that reflects the happiness that he may be experiencing while taking the lovely stroll on the beach. It could also be the cool blue of the water washing ashore, and hitting their feet that make them feel at peace with themselves or one another. Whatever it may be, I think the colors used in this picture symbolize a lot and get the message across that its valentines day be happy and love one another.
   The second one of my favorite designs for Google holidays was the first day of spring March 20, 2009. This design was by Eric Carle,  the author of the well known children's book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I love this design because it was one of my favorite books that I read as a kid, and the Caterpillar as well as the warm colors and fruit reminds me of spring. One of the things that I really like about this design is that all the holes that represent the Caterpillar eating through the fruit, also represent the letters in Google. I love that he had the idea to put a blueberry upside down with a leaf to make a lowercase g. This was a very creative was to celebrate the first day of spring.
  Colors seem to play a very big role on the way people perceive things in day to day life. They also play an even bigger role in design, helping getting a message across to the people that see it. The colors that have a big role in my life are Teal, Brown, Black and Pink. You can find me wearing one of these colors everyday. What colors to you like to wear?

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