Saturday, March 16, 2013

Chapter One exercise - Dynamic Composition

On top of this photo, The Poet, 1911, by Egon Schiele, made with oil on canvas, lies my dynamic composition of the picture. Composition can be static or dynamic but for this painting I recreated the dynamic movement. Although the colors for my composition don't match those in the picture, I did it for a reason. I wanted to be able to tell the difference between the difference parts of the body, and I think the bright pink and pastelish green was able to bring that out, making the composition look rather 3-D ish. I considered that specific green and pink to be a eye catcher, while the brown and black background make it a little less popish, and tone down the overall vision of the composition.  
While looking at my composition I noticed one thing that I could have changed. Which was the positioning of the eyes. I think if I really fully slanted the eyes, from the inside going down towards the outside of the eye shape that my composition would have really captured the essence of the photo. 
I think overall that my composition was a good dynamic of The Poet. I think most of my angles for the triangles were correct and that it was very symmetrical as well. I look forward to doing another exercise like so, because practice is always a good thing. What do you think of my composition?

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mery Creation.

   So recently one of my friends started her own accessory company, called Mery Creation by her: Cruzmery Javiar. The other day she put up what would be her logo, that appears on the tags of the many rings, scarves, bracelets, bow ties, and earrings that she created.; on Facebook. This is it:
        When she told me she came up with the design herself I wasn't surprised, because its just so her ! I love it though. The jaguar print fades into this beautiful deep yellow color, and although its kind of plain it represents her and her line. One thing I wonder is why did she has the Mery lowercase while the Creation was uppercase. Mery is apart of her name so I thought it would be capitalized.
        What a lot of people don't know is why this design is so her. Well Cruzmery is in a sorority call Lambda Pi Upsilon Latinas Poderosas Unidas, and their "mascot" is a Jaguar. Which explains the jaggy print. Also the sororities colors are red, black, white and yellow. Which is why I think she had the jaggy print fade into the yellow. The girls are also called "Divas" so looking at this just reminds me of a DIVA. I'm glad the design is so "her" because every piece of the accessories that's made is hand crafted by her herself.
        One of the things I love about this is the two different typefaces that she put together as well. It gives the overall look of the design a very sophisticated and professional look. I hope that her success with the accessory business goes well. If you guys are interested here's some of her accessories:

You can see more at
You can also comment below and let me know what you think of her designs.

The Sunny Delight Logo

         Recently we spoke in class about how American Airlines changed their logo. When I read 10 Observations on the new American Airlines logo, the one thing that popped out to me besides the fact that American Airlines isn't the best flight company, was observation number two and number ten. Observation number two was that the new logo is not as good as the old logo. That logo was made in 1967 and although that was a long time ago, I like that logo better and think that they could of at least used the same logo and modified it to look modern. Observation number ten was that most people don't even notice logos, which I disagree with. To be honest, I have never noticed a logo that relates to traveling, but if it has to do with food and beverage, I've noticed it.
         One that I really noticed that has continuously changed is the Sunny Delight Logo. It feels weird even calling it Sunny Delight since they have the nick name of Sunny D, but Sunny D is an orange flavored drink that is 70 percent juice and 30 percent made of other natural materials, as they say. They came out in 1964, and from what I researched this is the first logo. I also remember seeing commercials and bottles from my childhood in the 1990's with this design. Compared to now the design is a little dull, but when I was younger I used to look at this design like this is really a sunny delight in a bottle. I used to think that the flavor was refreshing, reminding me of laying out in the warm sun on a beach, during a beautiful summer day.
         It was said that they abbreviated the name in order to make it sound cool. So Sunny Delight changed to  Sunny D in the early 2000's. There are currently three different logos, for three different areas of the world since it became so popular. There is the US design:
The UK Design:
& the Design for Spain and Portugal, who still call it Sunny Delight:
The one thing that remains the same in all of the designs is the Sunshine in the background of the words. The Sun is what makes Sunny D, Sunny D. Although the UK one is a bit different by having the "sunshine" in back of the fruit that the drink taste like, maybe they just didn't like the original US look. My favorite design out of all three of them is actually the one from the UK because I feel like the typeface and the graphics around it are more appealing to children now, it just looks more friendly and more "cool"  than the US and Spanish design. Do you think the new Sunny D logos took a change for the better? I do.