Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cool Inspirational Posters

So I decided to look up some inspirational posters since our new project is to make a poster with a meaningful quote, created by us. I chose to share this first poster, I find it to be cute. It says "There's you," which is the red car, "and then there's everybody else" and everybody else is fruits, cakes, forks, and spoons. What I like about this poster is the way everything was spaced out. The creator decided not to make the grass just a flat surface, but yet a hill. At the top point of that hill is the red car which is "you." I also think that the word "you" being in a different font also help differentiate, "you" and "everybody else." It also kind of looks like there is a face in the O of the word "you."What I think the posters message is besides the obvious, is to just be yourself and not be like everyone else. Although there is fruits, and utensils, and cakes which each fit into the same family, each thing besides the car is still different from the other, nothing in this picture is the same. I also like the background color, although it kind of looks like a shade of a light green/ yellow, which is kind of similar to the grass, it works, and I think it works because of the space the red car takes up.
The next poster, I liked as soon as I seen it. The designer set it up as a poster that you see when you visit the eye doctor, and they cover your left or right eye to test your eyesight. The typeface looks exactly like the one they use at the eye doctors office, and the size decreases from large to small. It says "See the beauty that is all around you." I think this quote is a nice quote because not a lot of people realize the beauty that is all around them. I also like how the background color is like a sandpaper color with white that makes it look as if its an old paper. I also like how the designer incorporated the eye at the end, because you see with you eyes, so I think the eye was a good last touch to the poster.

In this poster I have no idea who, this guy is, but what I like about it is his face, if he was talking he looks as if he was to strongly feel the way he does about whatever he maybe saying. As it says in the picture, "If you're going through hell, keep going." I found this quote to be inspirational, because it made me think, you know hes right. If your already going through what you feel like is hell, why stop and not try to push on. Keep going. What really made this poster, was that the photo is tinted in red. Red reminds me of hell in this photo, and I think that was the point. The designer did a really good job, and I think what tops it off is the white typography. Because White is a color that symbols purity, and goodness, and the words inspire you to continue.

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