Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Initial Design

This is my initial design. For this design we had to include our initials, a couple a words that we felt decribed us, and design it our own way. I love this design because it is so me. I made it to look like a portrait of nature, [something I would have hanging in my house] but I made it in a way that wasnt so obvious. I purposely made it blocky, so that it would look like more of a design. The tree trunk is blocky, as well as the leaves, that lead into this pink background which reminds me of the sky when the sun is going down, and the blue rectangle is meant to be a river. I placed the quote in the river because the first word was cry, and tears are a form of water, and later in the quote it say to let these tears water the seeds of your future happiness. So I felt like since there was so much "water" in the quote that placing it there was a good idea. My favorite color sceme in the design was the darkish red on top of the brown. I feel like the two blended well. I also like the pink heart in the tree, and chose to do this because I felt it would make the tree pop more rather than having it black like normally. Another thing I did with the pink was have it be the stroke of the black "tape" holding up the design.
In my original design before this final one, instead of having the pink, I actually had that space the color  teal, but it was suggested to be changed to a brighter color by our lovely professor. Although I didnt understand at the moment why she thought a bright color would be better, after changed the teal to pink, I feel like my design just came alive. So I like the change :]

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