Monday, April 15, 2013

Stunning Dance Posters.

    One thing that my friends know about me is that I really love to dance. So while online, I stumbled accross a couple of dance posters that I loved and thought I should share.

The first poster, says to dance as if no one is watching. What I love about this poster, is how well the tone of the colors pink and brown go together. I like the way the designer intertertwined the colors as well, by having one backgroud pink with brown letters, and the opposite on the bottom. The background also looks like the typeface was written on some type of wood, and although the typefaces are two different ones they complement each other. This poster is something I would definitly put on my wall.

    The next poster to the left is of a dancer, who is doing ballet, inside of a dancing studio. What I love about this picture is the symmetry that it has. the dancer is on one corner, while the quote is in the opposite one. Also the quote eleminates the big white space that would have been left in the picture. Although there is still a significantly big amount of space towards the bottom right corner, looking at this poster I feel like it doesnt really need to be filled because the floor is so shiny, it reflects the window which is kind of like adding another object.

This next poster is of two dancers, a man and a woman. What I love about this is that it is simple, with the colors black and white. I love the way it was drawn, it makes it seem like a scriptive kind of drawing. I also like the way the swoop comes from the top left of the page to the bottom right. It makes me feel like there is a sort of movement in the photo, or as is that swoop could the dress of the female dancer. This picture embodies passion, dance, and love all in one. On thing that made this picture even more symmtrecial was the authors scriptive signature at the other corner, opposite of the foot of the woman.

This last poster is a poster that I already have hanging in my room. What I love about it is the simplicity. It is a picture of the dancers feet, and in the corner, It says dance in a large size typeface, with a quote under, in a smaller size typeface. The contrast of the shadows, and the light colors from the floor and the dancer, makes the poster have a type of balance. I think if the quote was placed somewhere else in the photo the poster would look odd and weird. But I love this poster, and it embodies a part of who I am, because sometimes the body says what words cannot.

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